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Central Hills Landcare Network Habitat Restoration – Green Army Project

The Landcare Association of SA formed the Central Hills Landcare Network to deliver a habitat restoration project through a series of three Green Army projects teams.

The partners in the network are:

  • Adelaide Hills Council
  • New Springs Landcare Group
  • Sixth Creek Catchment Group
  • Upper River Torrens Landcare Group
  • Upper Torrens Land Management Project
  • Mid Torrens Catchment Group

The landcare priorities for groups in the network are weed control, revegetation and protecting remnant vegetation. As project partners, each network member sets its own tasks and goals for the project, effectively using the Green Army teams as a shared resource.

The project has been a great success for the network partners and landholders, the Green Army team participants and the environment.

The project commenced in April 2015 and is overseen by a steering committee headed by the Landcare Association of SA Chairman, Gerry Butler. The Green Army is a hands-on, practical environmental action programme that supports local environmental and heritage conservation projects across Australia. It is an Australian Government Programme for young Australians aged 17–24 years who are interested in protecting their local environment.
For more information on the project click here: