A recorded webinar discussing Succession Planning that is tailored specifically to the needs of environmental volunteer groups.
Succession planning is the process of identifying and developing internal talent to fill key leadership positions within a group when current leaders leave. It ensures a smooth transition, maintains stability and consistency, and minimises disruptions to operations.
Watch the recording here.
A recorded webinar presented tailored specifically for leaders and managers (volunteers or staff) within Landcare and environmental groups.
Watch the recording here.
Volunteering SA & NT have created some tips on how to engage volunteers from, and with, varying backgrounds. Click on the links below to open the PDFs.
Engaging First Nations people as volunteers
Engaging new arrival migrant volunteers
Engaging volunteers with disability
The Volunteerability tool kit resource is a one-stop-shop of tools, tips, and templates designed to inform volunteering-related organisations, people with disability, their carers, and the disability sector all about volunteering.
If you’re a volunteer manager or community group click here for more information and learn how you can recruit more volunteers.
PestSmart provides best practice information on how to plan, manage and improve pest animal control programs in Australia. The site has tailored information to support land managers, farmers and producers, community coordinators, extension officers and more, to undertake successful pest animal management programs.
Visit the PestSmart website to find out more.
Australia’s first artificial intelligence (AI) weed identification, notification and management app, was launched to help farmers, land managers, local councils, Landcare and people across Australia better manage our national and local weed burdens. Learn how this app can assist you on your land, with your group, or if you’re just out and about and are curious if you’re looking at a weed or a native!
Visit the WeedScan website to find out more and to download the app.
Record pest animal activity in your local area to protect farms, biodiversity and communities. Many feral species to choose from, where you can document and map feral pest activity and have the ability to get involved in local management activities.
Visit the FeralScan website to find out more and to download the app you need.
Are you interested in learning what’s happening around the nation with Feral Cat and Fox Management? Want to learn more about techniques and tools used, as well as have a handy resource of information?
Sign-up to the newly created National Feral Cat and Fox Management Coordination Newsletter by the Centre for Invasive Species Solutions. Read their newsletter here and don’t forget to sign-up if you want to stay in touch.
A webinar presented by Aon, the LASA Insurance broker, on the new Landcare SA group members insurance package. Q+A section with groups held after the presentation.
View recording here.
Watch and listen to our Group members fascinating projects and stories here:
Guidance Note: Review your organisation’s income tax status
Please read this first, as only once you have reviewed your organisation’s status will you be able to determine if you need to act (and how). For organisations within the scope of the new reporting requirements, this guide will assist you to understand your options in regard to exemptions and reporting. A flowchart has been included to help simplify this rather complicated process.
Guidance Note: Preparing for charity registration
After undertaking a review of your organisation’s income tax status, you may determine charity registration is the best path to take. If so, please refer to this guidance note before attempting the ACNC registration form, as any missing or incorrect information will delay the application process.
Your questions answered: Income tax reporting changes and charity registration for landcare groups
This document addresses frequently asked questions arising from the income tax reporting changes. If you’ve read both guidance notes and have further questions, you may find the answers here.
Webinar presentation slides
If you were unable to attend our webinar with the ACNC or want to double check any information presented on screen, please refer to the attached webinar slides.
Webinar recording
If you were unable to attend the webinar or want to re-watch it, the recording is available to stream on YouTube.
The Department of Environment and Water (DEW) has released its SA’s environmental trend and condition report cards for 2023. This fifth suite of trend and condition report cards includes 51 indicators organised under five key themes—Climate, Biodiversity, Water, Land, and Liveability.
These report cards are also the foundation for the release of the State of the Environment 2023 Summary Report which was also released in February 2024.
Want to know what’s happening around Australia within the grassroots Landcare movement? LASA are a member of the National Landcare Network and you can check out what other states are up to by subscribing to their monthly newsletter. To view and sign up to the NLN newsletter, click here.