On the 16th of November 2021, our new Executive Officer Eleanor Pratt and Treasurer and Life Member Gerry Butler along with a number of special guests, joined representatives from both the SA Labor and Liberal parties for dinner at Parliament House.
We were hosted by Attorney-General Hon Josh Teague, and discussed the importance that Landcare has to the communities and landscapes of South Australia. We heard from both Gerry Butler and Emma McInerney, talking about their work in community conservation and sustainable agriculture, respectively.
Peter Treloar MP and John Dawkins were presented with certificates to acknowledge the enormous support they have shown for Landcare in South Australia over the years.
In attendance were, Randall Shelton (Morialta Biolink Landcare), Patrick O’Connor (National Landcare Network and Nature Conservation Society of SA Chairperson), Eleanor Pratt (LASA Executive Officer), Nick McBride MP (Member for McKillop), David Basham (Minister for Primary Industries and Regional Development), Nick Crouch (Tennyson Dune Care Group), Geoff Brock MP (Member for Frome), Susan Close MP (SA Labor Party Deputy Leader), Hon Josh Teague MP (Attorney-General), Emma McInerney (Northern and Yorke Regional Agriculture Landcare Facilitator) and Paula Luethen MP (Member for King), Gerry Butler (LASA Treasurer and Life Member).