We are pleased to announce the next biennial State Community Landcare Conference will be held in Bordertown from 27 to 30 October 2019. The Landcare Association of SA will also celebrate 20 years in 2019 and hopes that you will celebrate this milestone with us.
Please keep the date for this important Conference that will bring together Landcarers from across SA. The theme of the Conference is:
Landcare Unearthed – Celebrating Diversity, Managing Landscapes
The Conference at a glance:
The venue for the Conference is the recently renovated Tatiara Civic Centre, 43 Woolshed Street, Bordertown. This is a wonderful venue – modern and spacious. Containing a main hall, theatre, conference room and the Bob Hawke & Walkway Art Galleries, it can cater for all our Conference requirements.
Bordertown, the childhood home of former prime minister Bob Hawke, is a terrific town that will provide a great country feel for the Conference. It is also well positioned to provide a wide range of pre-conference tours to highlight Landcare and natural resources management projects in the South East NRM Region.
A Conference Steering Committee with membership from landcare and farming groups, Natural Resources Management Boards, the Department for Environment and Water, Primary Industries and Regions SA, Primary Producers SA, the Aboriginal Lands Trust and others The committee had its first meeting in October 2018 and will be meeting every month throughout the year to plan and oversee the arrangements for a successful Conference.
We will keep you posted on all Conference developments through this website and our Facebook page.
Sheree Bowman, Chair, Landcare SA, (right) with fellow Conference Steering Committee member Jill Woodlands, and Gerry Butler, Conference Steering Committee Chairman, with the bust of Bob Hawke outside the Tatiara Civic Cnetre