The Australian Association for Environmental Education Inc – SA Chapter (AAEE-SA Chapter):
- promotes Education for Sustainability and the UNESCO Sustainable Development Goals
- brings together educators and students from schools, environmental managers and educators in non-government and government organisations, community and/or conservation groups to successfully implement Education for Sustainability and Environmental Education.
- educates and enables people to understand their environment, appreciate environmental values, and live sustainably
- endeavours to develop skills and knowledge to actively contribute to the wellbeing of local, regional and global environments;
- seeks to foster education for a sustainable future by developing peoples’ understandings of the interrelationships between the elements of their environments and positive attitudes towards them;
- works with local/state/national governments and their agencies, business, industry, schools, universities and further education centres; and
- develops and shares a variety of resources and materials for use in Education for Sustainability and Environmental Education.