Members and supporters of the Landcare Association of SA are invited to our
2024 Annual General Meeting (AGM) and Members Forum on Thursday 7 November from 5.30 – 7.00 pm.
Marion Hotel or Online.
Please RSVP here
We’ll start the night with a brief AGM, and will jump straight into our Members Forum, where we’ll be treated to presentations from several member groups, highlighting some of the awesome grassroots Landcare projects happening around the state.
The Forum also gives LASA a chance to hear from you about any Landcare success stories or challenges that you would like to share and to update you on upcoming opportunities and events.
We’d love for all members to attend both sessions, but if you’re only able to attend one, please take note of starting times:
We invite you to join us in-person at the Marion Hotel, or online if you cannot attend in person.
LASA will provide light platters for the start of the night. After the Forum we invite you to stay on to catch up with other Landcarers over dinner (not supplied).
Please RSVP here by 27 October (for in person registration) or 5 November (for online registration)